Lecture Materials

Module I: Describing Data

Lecture Notes

Additional Reading: NYT Article 2016 Elections, Stock & Watson Chapter 1

Module II: Coding in R

Here are the instructions for installing R and R Studio. You can find the datasets used in class in the Dropbox folder: Econ340 Datasets.

Click here to download the folder containing the dataset and initial R script for lectures 6-8.

  • Lecture 6: Getting Started with R [slides]
  • Lecture 7: Data Analysis in R [slides]
  • Lecture 8: Data Analysis in R [slides]

Module III: Random Variables

Lecture Notes

Module IV: Sampling and Estimation

Lecture Notes, CLT Simulation

Module V: Linear Regression

Notes: Lectures 15-17, Lecture 18 I & II, Lecture 19, Lecture 20

Click here to download the folder containing the datasets and R scripts for lectures 21 and 22.

Module VI: Advanced Topics

  • Lecture 23: Experiments and Quasi-Experimental Methods [slides]
  • Lecture 24: Differences-in-Differences [slides]
  • Lecture 25: Big Data and Machine Learning [slides]

Additional Reading: 2021 Nobel Prize in Economics, Trade War